Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some thoughts on Into the Wild (film)

I cried while watching this movie!

Happiness is only real when shared.

When Christopher did not find happiness and truth in his parents, the very people he grew up with, he chose to seek out his own adventure- to find truth and happiness in nature and in the simple things in life.

He believed that joy is not principally found in human relationships, that God’s place can be found in anything. While preferring the wild to ‘society,’ his heart involuntarily seeks out these relationships in the people he meets along the way. This is once again, proof that the core of human being is not only to be, but to be WITH. So many times he was given the opportunity to share happiness with other people- and he did- but eventually turned his back on each of these opportunities. It was only in the end that he realized that true happiness is only real when it is shared.

It could also be that because he found meaning in new experiences, he was never pinned down to one constant thing in his life. He might have chosen to share this happiness and appreciation of life in every new person he met. One thing is for sure- he had a goal, he had a dream, and he pursued it. He searched for truth and happiness, and however late, he found it. He found it in the beauty of nature, in the relationships he shared with those he crossed paths with, and in his dying moments, realized what all these meant for him.

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