Thursday, May 6, 2010


If the world was invaded by zombies right now, the only perfect safe haven I can think of is Martha Stewart’s studio. I am not kidding. My mom and I were watching Martha Stewart just minutes ago and I have to say, 25 minutes into her “Organizing Special” episode and I totally went craaazy. She has tips on almost every imaginable thing in the world! From storing extra earring backs (you know, the part of the earring that locks from the back- I mean who would actually keep stocks of those?), to a dozen eggbeaters, to an accordion envelope for your sand paper- it totally cracked me up.

The show had a way to organize everything (duh, hence the ‘organizing special’), even memories. There were tips on how to make your pictures last forever, and how to document all your trips and vacations. But when we think about it, who would actually spend all his time doing these things? Face it, we’re human beings that lead finite lives and we’re not going to be able to hold on to all these things forever. Sure, as self-absorbed and purpose-driven beings that take pride in the supremacy of our accomplishments, it is a natural desire to leave one’s legacy by means of these mementos. But we can only hold on to so much, and in the end, we will leave all these things behind.

Going back, the main reason I have for saying that Martha Stewart’s studio would be the perfect zombie sanctuary is that it keeps tons of stock of every imaginable thing in the planet. If I were Brendan Fraser in Blast from the Past, and got stuck in a bomb shelter that resembles this studio, I would have enough stocks for food, color-coded towels, picket fences, paper flowers, fancy buttons (with labels indicating which outfit the button was for) and I can make a whole scrapbook detailing my entire life in the bomb shelter while I’m at it.

I have no personal anger against the show, but I find it so hilarious that the episode focuses on the tiniest details that a normal, sane person would never actually do. It’s not realistic! It basically goes against the laws of entropy in this world. Being way too organized and compartmentalized is just not normal. We need space to let loose, and possibly lose things so we can find them again. A perfect world is static and lifeless. On the other hand, the beauty of nature and real life is that it is erratic, and changeable.

Sometimes, we just need a little bit of chaos in this world.

1 comment:

  1. Being way too organized and compartmentalized is just not normal.


    And Martha - she survived jail after all. Probably refurbished the isolation cell, put up some floral curtains and glued coloured beads on the guards' truncheons and guns while she was at it.

    I so want to see a zombie apocalypse flick staring Martha Stewart now - y'know, in the style of Shaun of the Dead or Zombieland. It'll be mindblowingly epic :D
